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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy One Year Blogiversary!!! (Plus a Giveaway)

I can't believe it has been one year!

Well, actually more than one year. I'm a bit slow getting this posted. WordPress sent me a happy 1 year anniversary award on April 22nd. This is when I signed up for WordPress, but I didn't actually hit the publish button on my first real post until May 22nd. Truth be told, I started writing for the blog even sooner than that. Perhaps around January or February. It was part of my new years resolution.

Why the long wait? I wasn't confident that I had any content to provide. I started brainstorming topics and actually started writing posts in Evernote to get myself ready. I also did a LOT of research. I wanted to know what I was getting into, which is funny, because I really didn't have any idea!

I had no clue what a huge community the blogosphere is. I didn't realize that my most treasured followers/commenters would also be bloggers. I am really not sure what I thought blogging was going to be like. But whatever my preconceived notions were, I was wrong.

I know the majority of you remember what my blog looked like a year ago, since it didn't look much different a couple months ago. Even though, I thought it would be a nice tradition to chronicle a screenshot of my blog for my blog anniversary. Imagine how different it may look over 5 years from now! Here is what my blog looked like a year ago:

Blog one year ago
Blog one year ago - Want to go back in time on the internet? Go
to, type a website address into the "Way Back
Machine," and click the "Take Me Back" button. Check out my
blog from June 18, 2012 by clicking the image above.
Look at how ugly those social buttons looked! Haha! Back then I just used a generic WordPress theme with little to no customization. I am so much happier with how my blog looks now! I mimicked my last design from on my new site, mostly because I it was easiest to get the blog up and running. I am sure I'll do another blog makeover before another year passes.

Here's to one year and counting!

Anyways, lets get on to what everyone looks forward to with Blog Anniversary posts. The giveaway!!!

The Giveaway

Drum roll please...

Copper and Turquoise Earrings

I will be giving away these handcrafted Copper and Turquoise Earrings. The earwire and bead cage is made from copper German jewelry wire. These earrings are handmade by me! I just learned how to do scrolling, so check out those spirals on the top and bottom. OoooOOooo!

The collage made the images a bit fuzzy, so check out more pictures via Google+.

The Low Down (rules)

  • Total Prize Value = $30 (includes earrings and shipping).
  • One winner will be chosen.
  • Giveaway is restricted to residents of the United States and the prize will be shipped via US Priority Mail.
  • Must be 18 years old or older to participate.
  • Raffle will end on June 21th at midnight.
  • The winner will be announced the next day.
The winner will be notified via the email provided in the Rafflecopter form. They will have 48 hours to respond; if they have not responded by this time, a second person will be chosen in their stead. I will send the prize via US Priority Mail.

In order to win these earrings you must participate in the Rafflecopter below.

The Rafflecopter

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Yay for no longer having to do a work around! I am so happy to be on blogspot. :D

Are you still on Want to host your own Rafflecopter giveaway in a blog? {no javascript allowed!} Check out my tutorial, How to Embed Rafflecopter in a Hosted Site.

Good luck on the drawing and thank you for reading my blog! Here's to another year!


Linking to: What to do Weekends | Freedom Fridays | No Rules Weekend Blog Party


  1. Oh best of luck over here Miss bethany.. I actually started out on Blogger about 3 years ago, had some wonderful followers (and you will too)then took a year off completely and well, you know where I am now.
    I'll definitely sign up for email and again Hooray for the new Blog!

    1. Lynne, Thank you so much! I am really excited about the move. I feel I will have so much more liberties with this platform. I didn't realize you were on blogger first. Congrats on the graduation and family stuff! We just picked up my stepson from the airport yesterday. Yay!


  2. Congrats on the blogversary! That's such a great accomplishment for a blogger :)

    1. Thank you! I'm pretty thrilled about it. :D

  3. happy blogiversary! (and, btw, the moved blog is showing up on my bloglovin' feed without my having done anything)

    1. Thank you! That's awesome, but I am pretty sure it is because I double posted to Blogger and WordPress. WordPress doesn't offer a smooth move to Blogger. I might keep doing the double post for a bit, just to make sure everyone sees that I moved, but not forever. So definitely sign up with the new address. :)

  4. CONGRATS on one year!! That's awesome! And what beautiful earrings! You are so talented!

    ~Abby =)

  5. Wow, Bethany! Congrats on reaching your 1 year anniversary (and then some). I'm really impressed by the initiative you took to write several blog posts in advance months before clicking publish. That's some serious dedication...the sort of dedication that leads me to believe that you'll definitely be blogging 5 years in the future (if you want to be).

    Also, way to rock my world with that "Wayback" machine. I am so bookmarking that guy for future reference. (Kind of reminded me of the first time I discovered Google Earth and was able to see satellite pictures of the house where I grew up. It still had images saved of the car I drove in high school...which later died. Anyway, I had that same feeling of, "I had no idea they took a picture of that! But I'm glad they did....)

    Thanks for the sweeeeet giveaway! Would LOVE to rock those awesome earrings you made (turquoise is one of my favorite stones!).

    So much glee in this one post...I don't even know what to do about it. ;-)

    The Thinking Closet

  6. Congrats on your blogversary, Bethany!
    My current fave piece of jewelry that I seem to wear with almost everything nowadays, is my turquoise pendant necklace. I have even blogged about it here, if you want to take a look -
    And now you know why I am drawn to the earrings in your giveaway!!! They are so pretty! Hope to win those lovelies!!
    Anjana @

    1. Yay! Thank you! I really like how these earrings turned put. I'm going to end up making a second pair for me. That turquoise necklace is fabulous! I think I spied it in your about me picture!

  7. Congrats on your 1 year! My favorite piece of jewelry is a necklace with my son's name and birthstone.

    1. Thank you! Sounds like a perfect favorite jewelry piece.

  8. Congratulations! My favorite piece of jewelry is a pair of simple gold hoop earrings.

  9. Congrats on your one year blogiversary! :-)

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