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Thursday, August 15, 2013

10lbs Down!

Great news! I hit 10 lbs total weight lost! Woohoo!

AND this Sunday and Monday I received my first compliments on weight loss! This is the first time someone has noticed I've lost weight, which is a huge deal!

Sunday, my younger brother commented that I looked slimmer. He also mentioned that my older brother had commented on how well I did hiking with him on Waldron Island. This surprised my younger brother as I had done really poorly the last time we had hiked together (probably four years ago).

Monday, a coworker asked me if I had lost weight. This made me so happy! I received high fives from my coworkers and such wonderful words of encouragement. It felt really good!

I know that 10 lbs in three months doesn't sound HUGE. But seeing that I am trying for a life change and not a diet, I think this is pretty good. I am working towards being a healthier person overall. There is no falling off the wagon when there is no diet that is restricting me.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race!
Let's recap my progress so far. In May I lost a whopping 7 lbs! Woot woot! June I didn't see any weight loss, but noticed that my waist line was slimming up. Pants that were becoming uncomfortable are now feeling good again. My belt went down a notch! This month I lost an additional 3 lbs for a total of 10 pounds. Yay!

Goals Review

Here are the fitness goals I identified when starting my quest:

  • Manage Food Consumption - I have gotten a little more lean-ient {pun intended} for logging my food. I will sometimes forget to log or log a few days in one sitting. I feel like I am still being aware of my intake and balancing it even if I forget to log. I am trying to keep up with it still, though.

  • Exercise - I want to up the ante on this. I have been logging walking that I do for commuting (to/from bus stop) plus some walk/jogging on the weekend. I have half days on Friday, so I come home and go for a jog/walk. I want to get back into walking more when I get home from work.

  • Drink Water Consistently - Again, I do really well while at work. I want to get better at home. I've quit soda and make sure to drink water at meals instead. Check out my review of Starbucks Refreshers, which I allow for a treat.

  • Be a positive role model for my children - This is a long term, ongoing goal.

New Mini/Sub Goals

So these goals relate to my goals above, but are a little more specific.

  • Yoga Once Per Week
    Whole Life Yoga

    Remember how I keep saying I want to get back into yoga (it has been on my New Years Resolution list for YEARS)? I think my problem with it has been that I devote my free time to my fiancé.

    Well... My fiancé took yoga classes at school this quarter! And he liked it! We have been talking about taking yoga together after his class ends. Our first session should be this Sunday.

  • Eating a More Balanced Meal

    Easy Cheesy Zucchini Bake - made this recipe last night. Quite tasty! Click image for recipe. (image courtesy of
    Not just balancing my Calories, but making sure that I am eating a well balanced meal. I want to work on having vegetables included in every meal. Sometimes we skimp or skip out on vegetables.

    Going to Waldron reminded me how yummy veggies can be, since they have a garden with lots and lots of fresh veggies. My fiancé tried fried zucchini for the first time and LOVED it. I ate cucumbers fresh off the stalk. It was wonderful and I cannot wait until we have a house and can grow our own veggies!

I feel like I should be celebrating losing 10 lbs. How do you think I should celebrate?

Linking to: Freedom Fridays | What to do Weekends | Weekend Wonders | Tips and Tricks Tuesday


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I feel really proud of this accomplishment. :)

  2. Whoo hoo! 10 lbs. IS a big deal and definitely something to celebrate. Doing a happy dance in my living for you right...NOW. Way to go with the lifestyle changes. I'm slowly but surely getting back into exercise, but need to be better about the sugary snacks. Thanks for inspiring me to get on it!

    (And I think you should celebrate with something like a professional massage or a (healthy) dinner out on the town with your man!)

    The Thinking Closet

    1. Yay!!! I'll join you in a happy dance! I feel really proud about this. My man and I eat out too much as is, but a professional massage sounds heavenly!!!

      Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I am seriously on cloud nine over my progress. :D

  3. Hi Bethany! You're doing great! Thanks so much for linking up your MyFitnessPal review last week at Tips and Tricks Tuesday! We've featured your review this week! Feel free to stop by and grad a "featured" button or link up any more amazing posts!


    1. Yay! Thank you so much! I am feeling so great! I have grabbed a button and added it to my features page. I've also linked up this post. Thank you again for the feature!!!

    2. By the way, way to go!!! 10 pounds make a big difference and it's a great lock start and motivation to keep going! I've been joining dietbets so I have a built-in reward of winning some money at the end of the month. Maybe you can get yourself something that could help with your weight loss - some new clothes for yoga? New shoes for walking? A new water bottle? Or the massage idea does sound great!

      Great job!


    3. Kristin! These are great ideas! I am totally addicted to cute water bottles, so maybe that would be a good intermediate reward. I get really frustrated and depressed when I buy clothes, so maybe when I finally slim down a pant/dress/bra size I'll start thinking about a shopping spree. Perhaps when I reach my goal? Thanks for the great ideas!

  4. Congrats Bethany! So glad to hear you're doing well and feeling good ;) 10 pounds is awesome!

    1. Thank you, Jessie! I am feeling really awesome! I'm up to 14 lbs now and my larger sized pants no longer fit me! Yay! I'm really liking how I look again and feel fabulous!

  5. That is an awesome accomplishment! I have goals set out on my blog for each of my big accomplishments such as 10, 20, half way, etc and then I have rewards for each of those goals. It helps keep me motivated!

    Thanks for linking up with us again!

    1. Your goals list is wonderful! AND you are doing an amazing job! I am going to have to come up with some rewards. :)

  6. Friend! 10 pounds?! That is fantastic! Congrats!!! A celebration is definitely in order--Pedicure? Facial? Membership to a yoga place? {Then you'll have to use it! ;) } Keep up the good work, Bethany!

    ~Abby =)

    1. It is! I'm actually already up to 14 lbs now. It's so awesome! I feel really good. Thank you for your encouragement! :D

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